Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday's Letters

The wreckage

Dear husband, I'm glad you are going to teach me how to make your special spaghetti sauce tonight. You thought my attempt last week was fine, but I was not satisfied. Finally, I will know all the secrets to the best spaghetti sauce ever! Mwahaha! P.S. It really stinks that you have to work all weekend, but thanks for making extra money so we can fill our future home with new furniture. Maybe I'll even let you have a say in what we get...if you are lucky. Just pickin' on ya! Dear Bentley, we are so getting you neutered when we move into the future house. Did you seriously have to pee on my fabric sewing box? Dear Boone Dr. house, we officially made an offer on you this morning! Although we completely expect a counter-offer tomorrow, I really hope we can work something out and get you. I really really really liked you! Dear current craft room/office, I have destroyed you this week. You are no longer my craft room/office. Instead, you have become the "catch-all" room filled with boxes for moving. It doesn't help that I'm slowly sifting through my craft stuff to add to the mess. Guess I'll spend the rest of my Friday trying to tidy you up. Dear weekend, I'm so excited it's going to be in the 70s! Time to get outside and go somewhere. Do I see a pedicure in my near future? Indeed, I do!

Until next time!


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